AI Image Generator

Bring your newsletter to life with beautiful AI images

Instantly generate jaw-dropping, high-resolution images to keep visitors glued to your newsletters, blogs and tweets.
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As seen in the press

Generate jaw-dropping visuals to tell your brand story and drive sales with every email

Imagine anything, then create it with one click. Ready-made prompts make it easy to create stunning images for your marketing and newsletter content. Be it email banners, lifestyle photos, gift cards and more.  
Image Editor

Create images in your unique brand style

Extract and save unique image styles so everything you create is always on brand. Then, leverage a powerful AI-infused image editor to fine-tune details and dial in the perfect vibe.

Get inspiration from millions of stock images

Browse through our massive database of stock images, then recreate your favorites with your own flavor of AI.
TRY IT for free
Single Platform

Build everything 10x faster in one platform

Save countless hours by building all your marketing copy, layouts, and imagery in a single platform designed to engage and convert readers.

✔️ 1 click to embed images in emails and blogs
✔️ Collect, save and reuse images in your brand library
✔️ Seamlessly publish newsletters right from Hoppy Copy

Plus, everything else you need to become an email marketing pro

50+ email templates
Launch your product, onboard customers, send newsletters and more
Works on desktop and mobile
Take your work with you wherever you go, with our responsive web app
Editor mode
Format headings, paragraphs, lists, tweak copy and more
35+ languages supported
Reach your customers in French, Spanish, Mandarin and more.
Teams support
Invite your team and external stakeholders to collaborate on copy.
Spam checker
Filter out your email's spam keywords to ensure their deliverability
Folder/project management
Organize copy into folders so you can quickly find the ones you need.
Community access
Join our community of marketers to share ideas and get feedback.

Start writing emails effortlessly

Join 100,000+ marketers