Competitor Email Monitoring

Spy on your competitors’ emails

Stay ahead of your competition. Automatically track their email marketing strategy in one place.
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As seen in the press

Spy on your competitor's emails,
then use AI to make yours better

Get exclusive access to thousands of emails sent from the world's top brands. Or, track a new brand and we’ll automatically capture an unlimited number of their emails in real-time. Uncover their secret discounts and promotions - even the timing and frequency of their emails. Then follow in the footsteps of such giants, or use our AI to generate emails even better than theirs.
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📩 See every email in one place—not a bloated inbox
Stop struggling with the hassle of sifting through cluttered inboxes in search of email inspiration. Easily track, access, filter, and view your competitor's email history in one central location. Plus, you can easily share this information with your team.
🚩 Flag & share faves with your entire team, then collab with AI
Collaborate with your teammates in shared workspaces to identify emails you like as inspiration, then use AI together to generate and edit copy for your own brand's emails.
🚨 Get alerts every time a competitor sends a new email
Be the first to know about new products, offers and promotions before anyone else with daily, weekly or monthly alerts when your competitors send new emails to their subscriber list.
💡 Get fresh design & copy inspiration for your next campaign
Get your creative juices flowing by viewing hundreds of emails. Instantly view inspiring emails sorted by tags and use them as a starting point to create amazing design and copy. Export them to sharable PDFs, copy the HTML source code, and for a truly unrivaled experience, use Hoppy Copy's AI to generate emails similar to what you have in mind.

How does competitor monitoring work?


Choose a brand whose emails you want to follow, or request to track a new brand’s emails.


Easily toggle through their emails, filter by industry, date, and see all your competitor’s email strategy in one place.


Flag and share emails with your team as inspiration.


Use Hoppy Copy’s AI to create your own emails.

Plus, everything else you need to become an email marketing pro

50+ email templates
Launch your product, onboard customers, send newsletters and more
Works on desktop and mobile
Take your work with you wherever you go, with our responsive web app
Editor mode
Format headings, paragraphs, lists, tweak copy and more
35+ languages supported
Reach your customers in French, Spanish, Mandarin and more.
Teams support
Invite your team and external stakeholders to collaborate on copy.
Spam checker
Filter out your email's spam keywords to ensure their deliverability
Folder/project management
Organize copy into folders so you can quickly find the ones you need.
Community access
Join our community of marketers to share ideas and get feedback.

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