Cross-Sell, Upsell, Upgrade: Email Sequence Guide

Here's a tried and true sequence to encourage existing customers to buy more.

Current customers

Day 1: Product Introduction

Introduce your offer, and explain why it can help your customer.

Create with Hoppy Copy:

[[ tool:product_update_email_v3 | Product Announcement Email > ]]


  • Mention the product they recently purchased (or were recently looking at), or an action they recently took in your app
  • Introduce your offer (upgrade / cross sell) and its main benefits
  • Provide a strong CTA

Day 5: Detailed Benefits

Follow up with detailed education about your offer’s primary benefits.

Create with Hoppy Copy:

[[tool:sales_letter_v3 | Sales Letter > ]]


  • Emphasize your product’s main benefits in detail (consider video and imagery)
  • Showcase hidden benefits recipients may not be aware of
  • Relevant or timely data/statistics illustrating your product’s benefits
  • Social Proof
    - Media, Celebrity, or Customer Testimonials
    - Simple case study (even 1-2 sentences)
    - Reviews & Awards

Day 7: Educational Content

Address your customer’s paint points with educational content covering a single topic that is important to them, that will help them with their eventual purchase.

Create with Hoppy Copy:

[[tool:lead_nurture_v3| Lead Nurture (Educational)  > ]]


  • Tips / How To: Show readers how to do something and why it will make their life better. Ensure it’s related to the product you are selling / upgrading to.
  • Checklists: Share lists of things your readers should do to accomplish their goals, and in what order.
  • Free Tools: Offer free digital tools and resources to help with their purchase.
  • FAQ: Answer popular questions asked by subscribers.

Day 10: Social Proof

Use customer stories, testimonials, press quotes, and other forms of social proof to build confidence that your product will solve your customers’ problem.

Create with Hoppy Copy:

[[ tool: social_proof_v3 | Social Proof Email > ]]


  • A case study, story, or anecdote about how someone’s problem was solved using your product
  • Media, Celebrity, or Customer Testimonials
  • Awards
  • Reviews
  • Social media likes / followers / engagement

Day 15: Incentive

Offer an incentive to act now.

Create with Hoppy Copy:

[[ tool: promo_deal_giveaway_v3 | Promotional Email (contest/giveaway) > ]]


  • Offer limited time or limited quantity incentive (discount, deal, free gift)
  • Address potential concerns holding them back (cost, shipping, fears)
  • Provide a clear CTA
  • Links to educational blog content, or FAQ
  • Contact info for questions

Day 20: Last Chance

Reminder customers who haven’t taken action yet.

Create with Hoppy Copy:

[[ tool: follow_up_reminder_v3 | Reminder / Follow-up Email > ]]


  • Restate product’s main benefit
  • Reduce resistance (i.e. free shipping, free trial, free returns, warranty or guarantee)
  • Contact info for questions
  • Social proof
Request Feedback & Reviews

Maximize requests to your customers with this simple 3 email sequence, be it a survey, review or any other request.

Cold Outreach

Here's a classic cold classic cold outreach framework that can be used to sell any product or service.


Create a classic 5-email welcome sequence to engage new subscribers and make your first sale.


Start writing emails effortlessly

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